Nursery Info

Arrival and Dismissal

  • Arrival and Dismissal

    Our working hours are 7:30am-1:30pm. On arrival at the nursery you will be expected to hand over your child to the staff members at the reception and sign your child in, indicating the time of arrival. When you collect your child, you will then have to sign your child out and again indicate the time. It is very important that every parent signs in/out as this is a safeguarding issue. We must be informed of changes in case anyone other than the parent or the authorized person is to collect your child. If the parent or other responsible adult listed on the registration form are unable to collect the child, the parent should give details to the staff of the person who will be collecting. This must include their name, civil id number and any other necessary information. Parents who are late collecting their child will have to pay a charge which helps to cover the additional staffing costs incurred for this reason. You can also ask our staff about the Afternoon club which you could register your child in.